simulation in gaming
I've said in the past that my players were Simulationists. I should actually go back and correct that. My players are capable of being Simulationists. If you count me (to do so is debatable) there are three software developers in our regular gaming group. At our max capacity (5 people) that makes 60% of us developers. That means that working with simulations is something we either know how to do, like doing, do for a living, or all the above. However one of the developers is deeply story driven. He loves role playing and doesn't really rule lawyer and isn't really interested in doing so. He'd be happy with d20 and in some ways actually prefers it's abstractions. The other is much more of a gamist. He's self admitted to be a poor loser and as such likes to maximize his chances of not doing so. If that can happen in the context of a good story then he's good and I think actually prefers his winning to happen in such a context. It makes it richer and more interesting. My other other two love the story and both enjoy writing fiction and being generally creative. But one of my creatives also loves the wargaming aspects of a crunchy system like GURPS. He understands that using the crunchy parts can bog down story time, but give him well executed crunchy wrapped in a good story and his inner Gamist is more than good.
So what I've been musing over for myself and for my group is what would happen if there were a method for having all the number crunching happen behind the scenes? All the little +1's and Ready actions. All the movement point tracking and every little nit-picking rule was tracked and handled behind the scenes and automatically for the players? Would the Gamist and Simulationist feel like they were playing the game they wanted to play? Bottom line is, if I had the perfect GM assistant software tracking all the variables and reminding me of the rules that could be in play around a player's choices, would more Narriative style surface? I've been so curious why better software hasn't surfaced for GURPS GMing when there are such great products out there for d20. Why is there no GURPS equilivant to DM Genie or DM's Familiar?
These are the questions I'm asking myself lately as I work on my own GURPS GM Assistant.
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