
A geek view of table top pen and paper gaming and how it could be changing.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

kiss your sweet brain goodbye

I've finally found a "new gaming" article that totally seems to express the revolution that is happening in my head around my gaming style and specifically my GMing style.

I've discovered a label for my particular style and now know the name of what I've been trying to give birth to and why it's been so difficult for me. My brain is cripsy after reading this.


At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a cool article, Daddy-O. Makes me wanna Play some Bass. That neatly describes how I like to do it... create a world, then help the PC's find the stories inherent to the setting, or to help them tell their own tales. It's so much better that way, IMHO.

At 1:41 PM, Blogger geekmojo said...

I think the point of the article is that there is a way to play without even having a map in the way that current RPGs have a map.

Yes, it's freaky and blows my mind, but I've been checking into the systems and slowly pulling the techniques into my sessions. It's making for some of the richest gaming I've done in my life.


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